Page 106 - Northville Township
P. 106
Northville Township Today Report
PUBLIC SAFETY Figure 23, Public Safety Headquarters
1 Central Call Taking
and Dispatch Center
Northville Township maintains one central call taking
and dispatching center, along with centralized records
and administration. This center allows for efficient use of
resources and the ability to better serve residents with
emergency and non-emergency situations. The Township
also utilizes a CrimeView Dashboard to provide information
in real time to residents regarding crime in the community.
(Source: Northville Township Public Safety webpage)
2 Policing Accreditations
In 2021, the Northville Township Police Department achieved
accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Source: 2022 State of the Community Presentation
Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). This designation verifies the Department meets or excels at best practices
of law enforcment standards. The Department also achieved a second CALEA accreditation — the Public Safety
Communications Accreditation, which means it is one of two public safety answering points in the state (out of 136
total) to achieve the accreditation. (Sources: Northville Township Public Safety Webpage and 2022 Adopted Budget and
Financial Plan)
47 Police Department Employees
The Northville Township Police Department employs full-time Sworn Officers, Reserve Officers, a Code Enforcement
Officer and a Communications System Coordinator/Crime Data Analyst. With some vacancies and positions in the hiring
process, the Department’s total headcount in October 2022 was 47 employees, but the Department has the funding
for 53. As of the 2017/2018 school year, the Northville Community Schools and the Charter Township of Northville
partnered to ensure a dedicated and National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) certified Sworn Police
Officer would be assigned full time at Northville High School during each school year. The Northville Township Police
Department also partners with schools on programs related to cyber safety, vaping and behavior health incidents.
(Source: 2022 Adopted Budget and Financial Plan)
12,839 911 Calls Received
In 2020, the Northville Township Community Dispatch received 12,839 emergency calls, an increase from an average of
10,865 911 calls the previous five years. However, as the dispatch center services both the City and Township, the calls
specific to Northville Township are not specified. (Source: 2022 Adopted Budget and Financial Plan)
Figure 24, Community Policing
Source: Northville Township Police Department Webpage