Page 101 - Northville Township
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              67.7%        Earned Bachelor’s Degree or cational Attainment
                                                         Figure 13, Educational Attainment (Age 25 years+)
                           Higher (Age 25+)
                                                                                  Less than high
              In 2020, nearly 70% of Northville Township   (25 years and older)  school graduate  High school
              residents over the age of 25 had earned a                               2%        graduate
              Bachelor’s degree or higher. Coupled with                                           10%
              residents that had attended some college or
              earned an Associate’s degree, nearly 90% of
              Northville Township residents had attended
              and/or earned some type of higher education.                                            Some college,
              (Source: U.S. Census)                                                                    associate's
              68.6%        of Northville Township        Bachelor's degree                               20%
                           2022 General Fund
                           Revenue from Property             or higher
                                                                                    Source: U.S. Census Bureau
              An estimated $20,251,000 in property taxes will   Figure 14, Northville Township General Fund Sources (2022)
              contribute to the 2022 General Fund for Northville
              Township. The second largest component of               Fines &   Special   Transfers In
              the General Fund comes from State Sources              Forfeitures  Assessments  7%
              ($2,932,500), closely followed by fees collected
              from Licenses, Permits & Charges for Services            Other
              ($2,172,380). In 2021, Northville Township received       4%
              a AAA Bond Rating, the highest possible, which     State Sources
              will save the community money when borrowing         10%
              funds for larger projects. (Sources: 2022 Northville
              Township Adopted Budget and Financial Plan)      Federal Sources
              800     Acres at Michigan International
                      Technology Center Site
              The Michigan International Technology Center    Licenses, Permits
                                                               & Charges for
              (MITC) site is located at the southwest corner     Services                              Property Taxes
              of Northville Township and includes 800 acres,      7%                                      69%
              split between Northville Township and Plymouth
              Township. Its location takes advantage of the
              proximity to Detroit, Ann Arbor and the Detroit                      Source: U.S. Census Bureau
              Wayne County Airport, as   Figure 15, MITC Available Properties (Shown in Gold)
              well as a series of existing
              high-profile companies,
              prestigious high-tech
              developments and research
              facilities. Parcels noted
              in gold in Figure 15 are
              available for sale and ready
              for development, although
              a purchase agreement is in
              place with Northville Lumber
              for Site 9 at the corner of Five
              Mile Road and Napier Road.
              (Source: MITC Webpage)

                                                                                        Source: MITC Webpage

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