Page 96 - Northville Township
P. 96
Northville Township Today Report
Northville Township Today Census Data Availability
Report Organization and This planning effort began near the start of a new decade,
Context in 2022. Following the 2020 Census, data is released as
it becomes available, according to a schedule published
The information in this report is presented in the on the U.S. Census Bureau website. Due to the COVID-19
following topic areas relevant to the Township’s Master public health emergency, the Census reporting timeframe
Plan for guiding future physical development: was extended longer than usual. However, at the
publication of this report, the majority of the data from
– People the 2020 Census was available online.
– Housing Census statistics are often the best detailed data about
– Jobs and Economy socioeconomic conditions at the local community level.
– Transportation Estimates for some indicators are also used at times and
– Public Safety are available from the Bureau’s American Community
Survey (ACS) program. Data sources are cited in this
– Parks and Amenities report.
– Events and Festivals
PEOPLE period of substantial growth occurred between 1950 and
31,587 Population of 1960, with a population increase over 80%. While every
decade did not include similar growth spurts, from 1940
Northville Township to 2010, the population increased between 20% and 35%
every 10 years. Between 2010 and 2020, the growth rate
After its incorporation as a Township in 1898, Northville slowed to 11%, a significant decrease from the pace of
Township’s first census was recorded in 1900 with a growth seen in previous decades, but still an increase
population of 616 people. The Township’s population in population. This resulted in the most recent 2021
has continued to grow since then, with some periods of population estimate of 31,587 residents in Northville
dramatic growth and only one period of decline between Township. Figure 7 illustrates the population for every
1910 and 1920. A significant population increase occurred decade since the founding of the Township. (Source: U.S.
between 1920 and 1930, with over 500% growth. Another Census Bureau)
Northville Township Population
Figure 7, Northville Township Population (1900 - 2020)
35,000 31,758
30,000 28,497
20,000 17,313
15,000 12,987
10,000 7,673
5,000 2,656 3,192 4,184
616 609 511
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Source: 2020 Census and Southeast Michigan Council of Governments