Page 98 - Northville Township
P. 98

Northville Township Today Report

             12,261        Housing Units                      Figure 9, Age of Housing Stock
                                                                        Year Structure Built

                                                                                       2010 - 2022
                                                                       Before 1970
             Northville Township had an estimated 12,261 housing         13%               5%
             units in 2020, up from 10,879 units in 2010. As noted in
             the previous section, the average household size also
             increased over this same period from 2.47 people per                                     2000 - 2009
             household to 2.53 people per household in 2020. This   1970 - 1979                          28%
             means the Township population was able to increase both   15%
             from added housing units and from even a small increase
             in the per-unit household size across all new and existing
             homes.  (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)
             5%     of Housing Built Since 2010

                                                                  1980 - 1989
             As of 2020, only 5% of the Township’s existing housing   17%                    1990 - 1999
             units had been built since 2010 — and less than one-third                          22%
             (28%) were from the 2000s decade. On the opposite end,
                                                       2010 - 2022
                                                                                         1980 - 1989
                                                                                                    1970 - 1979
             approximately 45% of existing housing units in Northville   2000 - 2009  1990 - 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau Before 1970
             Township had been constructed before 1990. The 30-year
             threshold, currently involving housing built in the early
             1990s, is significant as it represents a time when many
             homes and multi-family structures begin to need more
             substantial reinvestment or repairs. (Source: U.S. Census
                                                                   Year Moved Into Unit
             78%      of Housing Occupied           Figure 10, Housing Tenure

                      by Owner                4,000                    3,612
                                              3,500                                 3,125
             Nearly 80% of housing units in Northville  3,000
             Township were estimated to be owner-
             occupied as of 2020. As seen in Figure 10,  2,500    2,013
             most homeowners had moved to their   2,000
             residence between 2000 and 2018, while  1,500                                      1,465
             renters primarily moved to their residence                                                       684
             between 2010 and 2018. At an even finer   350
             level of detail, 88.7% of residents had lived  500  158            153          23           9
             at the same house one year ago (2019 to   0
             2020).                                  Moved in 2019 Moved in 2010 Moved in 2000 Moved in 1990 Moved in 1989
                                                        or later    to 2018      to 2009     to 1999     or earlier
             Renters comprise 22% of Northville
             Township residents, which is equal to the   Renter Occupied Housing Units  Owner-Occupied Housing Units
             percentage of multi-family housing as                                   Source: U.S. Census Bureau
             shown in Figure 11. This indicates that few
             renters occupy single-family detached buildings,
             and instead likely rent a unit within a multi-
             unit building. (Sources: U.S. Census Bureau and

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