Page 105 - Northville Township
P. 105
347 Crashes in 2021
Among the data collected and provided by SEMCOG are the locations of crashes. The most recent available data is from
2021 and is shown in Figure 21. The data is divided by level of severity, the worst of which were serious injuries in 2021.
Many of these crashes took place on road segments or at intersections near the five road segments with the highest
AADT in Figure 20. Crash locations outside of these busy road segments are typically classified as possible injury or
property damage rather than minor or serious injury. Figure 22 illustrates crash locations recorded between 2017 and
2021. Many of the same road segments and intersections are seen in this image, with an even higher percentage along
the entirety of Beck Road and on Six Mile Road between Haggerty and Beck Roads. (Source: SEMCOG)
Figure 21, Crashes in 2021
Source: SEMCOG
Figure 22, Crashes between 2017 and 2021
Source: SEMCOG
Approved August 17, 2023 101