Page 104 - Northville Township
P. 104

Northville Township Today Report

             26,700        Vehicles per Day as
                           Highest Area Traffic Count

             SEMCOG collects data on the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of select roadways. Figure 20 illustrates the AADT for
             Northville Township’s key east-west and north-south roadways, and illustrates five roadway segments with over 20,000
                   ▪  Haggerty Road between Six Mile and Eight Mile Roads: 26,700 AADT
                   ▪  Sheldon Road between Five Mile Road and Edward Hines Road: 25,000 AADT
                   ▪  Eight Mile Road between Haggerty Road and Griswold Street: 24,400 AADT
                   ▪  Beck Road between Six Mile and Eight Mile Roads: 20,400 AADT
                   ▪  Six Mile Road between Haggerty Road and Bradner Road: 20,300 AADT

             Important to note is that the data collected spans from over a 10-year period, reaching back to before 2010, as traffic
             counts were not conducted for every road segment every year. As such, the estimates do not always reflect the most
             current local conditions. However, based on other traffic and crash data, this graphic does provide a sense of the
             roadways that still carry the highest volumes of traffic. Two of the three north-south segments with the highest AADT —
             Beck Road and Haggerty Road — are also indicative of roadways that span the entirety of the Township and may be used
             as an alternate route during periods of heavy interstate traffic. (Source: SEMCOG)

             Figure 20, AADT on Key Northville Township Roadways

                                                                                               Source: SEMCOG

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