Page 49 - Northville Township
P. 49
– Consolidates all development-related regulations Table 3, Designations on Future Land Use Map Relative
into one document (e.g., subdivision, zoning, site to Current Zoning Districts
plan, development and design standards, signs, Most Closely Associated
landscaping, lighting, parking and loading, parkland Designation Zoning District(s)
dedication, streets and utilities, circulation and
access management, storm water and floodplain Parks, Single Family Residential (R-1)
management, nonconformities, etc.). This helps Recreation and Single Family Residential (R-2)
ensure consistency among the different components Open Space Public Recreation, Facilities & Open
and promotes more holistic consideration of Space (PROS)
subdivision, zoning and site plan requirements and Planned Unit Development (PUD)
standards by both applicants and the Township. Estate Single Family Residential (R-1)
– Makes the regulatory specifics easier to navigate Residential Single Family Residential (R-2)
and comprehend (i.e., more “user friendly”) for Suburban Single Family Residential (R-2)
the development, real estate and consultant Residential Single Family Residential (R-3)
communities versus dispersed and uncoordinated Single Family Residential (R-4)
provisions within an overall municipal code. A single Open Space Community (OSC)
consolidated index and better cross-referencing Planned Unit Development (PUD)
across code sections helps ensure that all relevant Small-Lot Single Family Residential (R-3)
provisions are taken into account pertaining to any Residential
particular development issue or proposal. Neighborhood Single Family Residential (R-3)
– Condenses into one code section all administrative Conservation Single Family Residential (R-4)
procedures and considerations, helping to streamline
and make clearer the roles and responsibilities Suburban Single Family Residential (R-2)
of each official and decision-making body. This is Residential Single Family Residential (R-3)
especially helpful to identify “crossovers” in the Attached Multiple Family Residential (RM-1)
review and approval process between subdivision Corridor Mixed Single Family Residential (R-3)
and zoning reviews, for example. Use General Business (B-3)
– Offers a consolidated list of definitions, which Senior Housing (SH)
helps prevent inconsistencies and questions of Planned Unit Development (PUD)
interpretation between codes. Seven Mile Road Planned Unit
– Greatly improves the Township’s ability to track General Local Business (B-1)
the total development process because various Commercial General Business (B-3)
components are organized and coordinated in a Planned Unit Development (PUD)
logical, sequential order. Haggerty Planned Unit Development
– Itemizes all development-related fees in one place so (HPUD)
applicants are well informed of process costs. Suburban Single Family Residential (R-3)
– Streamlines the process for future code amendments Commercial General Business (B-3)
and enhancements. Office Service (OS)
Public Recreation, Facilities & Open
Land use and development involve a true partnership Space (PROS)
between municipalities and the private development Planned Unit Development (PUD)
community (property owners, developers, land planners Haggerty Planned Unit Development
and designers, civil and traffic engineers, etc.). So many (HPUD)
physical elements of communities are designed and built
by private interests and actors. They must rely upon Suburban Office, Research & Technology (ORT)
clear parameters and standards from the public sector Business Park Planned Unit Development (PUD)
to ensure that they can meet community expectations Light Industrial Office, Research & Technology (ORT)
within a review and approval framework that yields Consumer Industrial (CI)
profitable and mutually beneficial development Industrial (I-1)
outcomes. To the extent that a UDC can increase clarity,
ease communication and expedite the process, both the
development applicant and the community stand to gain.
Approved August 17, 2023 45