Page 53 - Northville Township
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Strategic Action Priorities such as bike racks, and educating residents
about the existing bike network and the
CAPITAL INVESTMENTS health benefits of biking may also be done
through the program. A bike-sharing program
SAP1. Connect planned Legacy Park trails to existing with a well-established network of docking
trails and pathways to increase connectivity stations can also be explored in areas with
throughout the community. high commercial activity and limited parking
PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES SAP7. Implement initiatives to improve “last
SAP2. Utilize efficient and effective platforms mile connectivity” by enhancing the multi-
for coordination and communication with modal transportation system in Northville
Township residents and businesses about Township. Last-mile connectivity is critical
transportation issues and projects, including for encouraging people to use modes of
to pass along concerns and recommendations transportation other than their vehicles.
to Wayne County and SEMCOG for their Improving the last mile connectivity will
ongoing planning and improvements. provide an impetus for Township residents
SAP3. Develop an access management program to increase their usage of alternative
that progressively eliminates issues caused transportation facilities such as sidewalks,
by the location and proliferation of driveways bike lanes, shared-use paths and transit.
and other access points along various ▪ Coordinate with employers, schools and
corridors within the Township. Apart from other organizations to promote end-of-trip
facilities, such as lockers, bike racks and
helping improve traffic flow along major other bicyclist-friendly items.
roadways, effective access management
can help enhance safety and reduce crashes ▪ Evaluate the potential for pilot projects for
first mile/last mile transit service, utilizing
considerably. Access management includes technologies such as transportation
strategies such as coordinating driveway networking companies (i.e., Uber/Lyft).
spacing, utilizing medians and other methods
of limiting conflict points. SAP8. Repair and upgrade existing pedestrian
SAP4. Install wayfinding signage at key locations facilities, including to meet Americans
along the pathways to inform people of with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements
nearby businesses and public facilities and enhance safety and accessibility for all
accessible from the pathways. residents of Northville Township.
SAP5. Adopt a Safe Routes to School Program ▪ Priority should be given to corridors with
high pedestrian activity and areas within
that promotes walking and biking to/from a 5- to 10-minute walking radius around
schools. The program should aim to address schools, transit facilities and parks.
barriers for the safe movement of pedestrians
and bicyclists along with incentivizing them ▪ Maintain a sidewalk inventory that notes
not only the condition of the sidewalk, but
to walk or bike to and from schools more also if it meets ADA requirements.
frequently. Priority should be given to
enhancing safety, particularly in underserved ▪ Develop a public feedback tool to obtain
communities, as data shows that such input on areas that need pedestrian
facilities and/or that need improvement to
communities have higher pedestrian and meet ADA requirements.
bicycle injuries reported. (Source: National
Center for Safe Routes to School, https:// ▪ Train citizens to conduct neighborhood
walk audits, taking advantage of free online tools such as the walkability
SAP6. Develop a dedicated bike program for the checklist provided by the National Highway
Township to promote the usage of bikes for Traffic Safety Administration (https://
navigating in and around Northville Township.
The program should prioritize addressing walkingchecklist.pdf).
missing links to the bike network, making it SAP9. Develop a program to integrate health and
more user-friendly and safer. Adding facilities transportation planning by bringing together
Approved August 17, 2023 49