Page 52 - Northville Township
P. 52

The Transportation section focuses on current, near-
               Goals                                            term and long-range transportation needs and priorities
                                                                in and around Northville Township. Many of these are
               T GOAL 1:                                        outward focused, involving regional and state-level
                                                                entities and coordination, recognizing the Township’s role
               A transportation network that provides           as one of many transportation partners in the region.
               efficient and safe vehicular movement            Various others are inward focused, involving essential
               within the Township, but not to the point        thoroughfare system upgrades plus ongoing street
               of sacrificing area character to expansive       rehabilitation, sidewalk repairs, and mobility and safety
               roadway improvements.                            enhancements.
                                                                As in many communities, top transportation-related
               T GOAL 2:                                        issues facing Northville Township include improving
                                                                traffic flow, safety and connectivity while adding more
               An expanded and complete system of               ways to move around the community by foot and bike
               safe, off-street pathways for pedestrians        through the Township’s extensive pathway network.
               and bicyclists to travel in and around the       Continued enhancement of the roadway network through
               community.                                       collaborative partnerships with Wayne County will be
                                                                necessary to accommodate increased traffic demand
               T GOAL 3:                                        along many key corridors, especially in regards to the
                                                                growing volume of pass-through traffic. As the mobility
               Ongoing collaboration with Wayne County          system continues to evolve, it should not only address
               and regional transportation agencies to          traffic and safety needs but also reflect the surrounding
                                                                land use and character.
               influence, on behalf of Township residents,
               system planning and funding processes and
               roadway maintenance priorities.                  Legacy of Past Planning
                                                                The previous Northville Township Master Plan (2007)
                                                                focused on land use and transportation, specifically
                                                                noting the available transportation system’s influence on
                                                                potential future development. Themes expressed in the
                                                                2007 Master Plan that are still relevant today include:
                                                                   –  Traffic continues to increase along major north-south
                                                                   roads, especially Beck Road which is often used as a
                                                                   through way, and east-west roads that connect the
                                                                   Township to I-275 to the east;
                                                                   –  The likelihoood for crashes is at its highest along
                                                                   the aforementioned corridors, which often serve as
                                                                   through ways;

                                                                   –  Balancing roadways that accommodate the increased
                                                                   traffic and a roadway design that respects the
                                                                   community’s character is a challenge;
                                                                   –  Expanding the pathway network to accommodate
                                                                   pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and to reduce potential
                                                                   conflict points with vehicles, is key; and
                                                                   –  Improving existing pathways to incorporate additional
                                                                   site amenities.

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