Page 15 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 15

STRATEGIC ACTION                                        •  Establish an educational initiative with the public
           PRIORITIES                                               bodies (Planning Commission, BOCC), stressing
                                                                    the importance of the Comprehensive Plan’s role
                                                                    in guiding decisions on development approvals,
             •  Coordinate with incorporated municipalities and
                                                                    zoning map amendments, use variances, capital
              the Green Valley Area Plan to direct growth to
                                                                    budgeting, and similar planning decisions.
              existing municipalities, urban impact areas, and
              areas with appropriate infrastructure. Directing     •  Ensure that new patterns of development, both
              growth to existing areas of development will          residential  and  non-residential,  are compatible
              help to maintain the rural character and function     with their surroundings. Non-residential uses
              of existing natural and agricultural areas, as well   should be evaluated for compatibility prior to
              as to limit expenditures to the provision of rural    development in residential areas.
              roads and services to unincorporated areas, and
                                                                   •  There is demand for housing of a rural character
              to protect natural resources and waterways from
                                                                    that is not actively agricultural land.  This type of
                                                                    “Estate” development should be limited to within
                  ›  Encourage municipalities to plan for growth    roughly one mile of existing paved roads. There
                   within and immediately surrounding existing      is also demand for housing that is convenient
                   city limits of incorporated cities within the    to access Manhattan and is of a more suburban
                   County. Coordinate with municipalities for       style, particularly in the Green Valley area.
                   annexation of growth areas into municipal        Accommodating this housing demand while also
                   city limits, including annexation of areas       preserving and protecting natural resources and
                   served by municipal utilities.                   agricultural production is a key concern.
                  ›  In anticipation of future growth within areas     ›  Pursue educational approaches for new
                   designated on the Future Land Use Map as             homeowners regarding standard agricultural
                   urban impact areas, pursue development               practices that should be expected in
                   of formalized process with incorporated              agricultural areas. Residential uses in
                   cities in order to address coordination of           primarily agricultural areas may result in
                   subdivision review, thoroughfare planning            conflicts arising from standard agricultural
                   and construction, floodplain management,             practices (such as prescribed burning, odors,
                   utilities infrastructure and other service           noise, etc.). A potential partner may be KSU
                   provision, and any other matters of mutual           extension services in Pottawatomie County.
                   interest.  New  development  in  the  urban
                                                                       ›  Compatibility of residential uses should be
                   impact areas should solicit the input of the
                                                                        closely examined prior to being permitted
                   adjacent city during any rezoning process.
                                                                        near intense agricultural/farming areas.
                   Currently the County notifies cities of zoning
                   changes within a mile of city limits, but no        ›  Include compatibility provisions in the
                   process exists to require such a notification        County’s  development  regulations  for  the
                   or to solicit input.                                 purpose of protecting existing operations
                                                                        and  agricultural  uses  from  encroaching
                  ›  Promote contiguous development patterns            development and, in turn, protecting
                   that  allow for  more  efficient provision  of       development from common nuisance
                   services (as opposed to leap-frog style              associated with agriculture, e.g. dust, odor,
                   development patterns).
                                                                        heavy equipment operation, etc.

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                                                                            |  11
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