Page 20 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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FUTURE LAND USE AND                                  of buildings on sites.
           CHARACTER MAP                                        It is this combination of basic land use and the

                                                                characteristics of the use that more accurately
                                                                determines the real compatibility and quality
           Character Classifications
                                                                of development, as opposed to land use alone.
           A character-based approach to community planning     Aesthetic enhancements such as the design of
           looks beyond the basic designation and use of        buildings,  landscaping and  screening,  sign  control,
           land (residential, commercial, industrial, public /   and site amenities also contribute to enhanced
           institutional, etc.) to consider the scale, placement   community character.
           and design of buildings and associated planning
           of sites, as well as the aggregation of uses within   Character Themes
           neighborhoods, districts, and corridors. Whether
           new development or redevelopment, and whether        Each of the following community  character types
           private or public construction, the pattern of land use   described below is present within the County with
           –  including  its  intensity,  appearance,  and  physical   varying degrees of significance. The  more readily
           arrangement on the landscape – will determine the    identifiable character categories include:
           character and will ultimately contribute to the image     •  Auto-urban to urban (general) character of
           of the entire community over the long term.              commercial development along U.S.-24 corridor
                                                                    and other arterial routes;
           In the community character spectrum, the four
           main  character  designations  are Rural, Suburban,     •  Industrial character near Jeffrey Energy Center
           Auto-Urban, and Urban. These are common terms            and along Union Pacific Railroad and quarries;
           that should bring immediate images to mind as one       •  Urban  (general)  residential  character  of
           thinks of traveling from the center to the outskirts of   neighborhoods in Green Valley Area
           a typical community. Over the years, and particularly     •  Areas of Suburban Residential character,
           since the advent of widespread automobile                particularly along the U.S.-24 corridor and south
           ownership in the 1920s-1930s, sizable portions of        of Luning Road;
           many communities have developed in an “Auto-
           Urban” pattern, which falls in the range between        •  Areas of larger lot Rural (Estate) Residential,
           Urban and Suburban.                                      generally north of U.S.-24 corridor and within
                                                                    one mile of an existing paved road;
           Community character accounts for the physical           •  Urban Impact Area, roughly one mile outside
           traits one can see in an area which contribute to its    of each incorporated city (with the exception
           “look and feel.” A character-based approach to land      of Manhattan) where development should be
           use planning focuses on key variables, including         encouraged and coordinated and;
           development intensity, which encompasses the
           density and layout of residential development; the      •  Undeveloped, rural agricultural character largely
           scale and form (bulk) of non-residential development;    outside of the incorporated areas and Green
           and the amount of building and pavement coverage         Valley, northeast Pottawatomie County.
           (degree of impervious cover) relative to the extent of   The range of community character classifications
           open space and natural vegetation or landscaping.    and their land use categories are as follows:
           How the automobile is accommodated is a key
           factor in distinguishing character types, including
           street design, parking, and the resulting arrangement

           16  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019
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