Page 22 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 22
Class: Rural
This designation consists of lands that are sparsely • Scattered residential development on relatively
developed, with mainly natural areas, agricultural large acreages, resulting in very high open space
production and very low-density residential as ratios and very low site coverage, and providing
the primary uses. It is unusual to find extensive greater detachment from neighboring dwellings
undeveloped areas within the limits of incorporated than in single-family residential areas.
cities in the County, except in areas that have been • Typically no centralized water or sanitary sewer
annexed for eventual development or that are not service available. Also much greater reliance
suitable for future development. Floodplain areas on natural drainage systems, except where
may also retain their rural character over the long altered significantly by agricultural operations or
term given their unsuitability for land development. regional storm water management projects and/
Development Types or infrastructure.
• Agricultural uses
• Residential homesteads
• Public/institutional uses
• Parks and public spaces, nature preserves, and
passive recreation areas
• Rural character from wide open landscapes, with
minimal sense of enclosure and views to the
horizon unbroken by buildings in most places.
18 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019