Page 24 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 24

Class: Suburban


           This designation covers areas with predominantly        •  Potential for auto-oriented character, especially
           single-family residential uses.                          where driveways and front-loading garages
                                                                    dominate the front yard and building facades of
           Development Types
                                                                    homes. This can be offset by “anti-monotony”
             •  Detached residential dwellings                      architectural  standards,   landscaping   and
             •  Planned development, potentially with a mix of      limitations on “cookie cutter” subdivision layouts
              housing types and varying densities, subject to       characterized by straight streets and uniform lot
              compatibility and open space standards                sizes and arrangement.
             •  Public/institutional uses                          •  Individual wastewater systems.

             •  Parks and public spaces                            •  Neighborhood-scale commercial uses are
                                                                    expected to  emerge  over  time  and  should
                                                                    be encouraged on corner sites or other
             •  Residential neighborhoods  with less openness       locations within (or near the edge of) Single-
              and  separation  between  dwellings  compared         Family Residential areas that are best suited
              to residential areas with larger lots (estate). Lots   to accommodate such uses while ensuring
              typically one and a half to three acres in size.      compatibility with nearby residential uses.

           20  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019
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