Page 29 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 29

Class: Industrial


           These  designations  accommodate uses that  are         •  Office uses accessory to a primary industrial use
           intensive in terms of how “light” industrial and        •  Retail sales and services, including heavy
           especially “heavy” industrial activities can affect other   commercial uses (e.g., building supply)
           nearby properties. This can include factors such as     •  Public/institutional
           noise,  vibration,  light/glare,  odor,  truck  traffic,  and
           hours of operation, as well as the sheer scale and   Light Industrial Characteristics
           intensity of some heavy industrial uses. Depending      •  Typically auto-oriented character, although
           on  the  standards applied  through  development         master-planned business or industrial park
           regulations, an industrial area can allow for a wide     developments may feature more open space
           range of uses, from office/warehouse to wholesale,       and landscaping, regulated signage, enhanced
           product assembly, and manufacturing. Some counties       screening, building design standards, etc.
           aim for a more aesthetic business or industrial “park”     •  Potential for outdoor activity and storage, which
           environment,  with  specific standards  for  building    should be screened where visible from public
           arrangement and orientation, building materials and      ways and residential areas.
           design, extensive landscaping, and especially full      •  May involve significant truck traffic or direct rail
           screening of loading and outdoor activity/storage        service.
           areas, if such external activity is even permitted. A     •  On-site large-scale moving equipment in some
           campus feel may be further reinforced by private         cases.
           or  public  streetscape and  design  enhancements,      •  Potential for environmental impacts that may
           including  special  signage  at  industrial  area  entries   affect the proximity and type of adjacent
           and key intersections, unified lighting design, water    uses, including particulate emissions, noise,
           features, etc.
                                                                    vibrations, smells, etc., plus the risk of fire or
           Light Industrial Development Types                       explosion depending on the materials handled

             •  Warehousing                                         or processed.
             •  Light manufacturing and/                           •  Certain intensive publicly-owned uses are best
              or processing / assembly                              sited within industrial areas (e.g., public works
             •  Business parks                                      facilities, fleet maintenance, treatment plants,
                                                                    fire training).

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                                                                           |  25
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