Page 25 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 25
Class: Suburban
The designation involves commercial developments, • Especially at key community entries and along
whether at a neighborhood or community scale, that high-profile roadway corridors, may also involve
stand apart from most auto-oriented contemporary other criteria to yield less intensive and more
development through reduced site coverage attractive development outcomes relative to
and other design elements that move a site into auto-oriented areas, including higher standards
the suburban range of the community character for landscaping (along street frontages and
spectrum relative to sites where “gray” spaces within parking areas), signs, and building design.
predominate over “green” and open spaces. • May exclude some auto-oriented uses that, by
their very nature, cannot achieve a suburban
Development Types
• Range of commercial retail and service uses, at
varying scales and intensities depending on the • Near residential properties and areas, the
site permitted scale and intensity of non-residential
uses should be limited to ensure compatibility
• Office (involving large and/or multi-story (including adequate buffering/screening, criteria
buildings or only small-scale office uses for placement and orientation of buildings and
depending on the site)
parking areas, height limits, and residential-in-
• Planned development to accommodate custom appearance architectural standards).
site designs or mixing of uses in a suburban • More opportunity for natural and/or swale
character setting
drainage (and storm water retention/absorption)
• Public/institutional uses versus concentrated storm water conveyance in
• Parks and public spaces auto-oriented areas.
• Suburban character primarily from reduced
site coverage relative to most auto-oriented
commercial development.
Adopted - August 19, 2019 | 21