Page 23 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 23
Class: Rural
This designation is for areas that, due to public service • Planned developments
limitations or prevailing rural character, should have • Residential dwellings set back from rural roads
limited development activity other than large-lot
residential. Such areas provide a transition between • Some agricultural storage and support
uses, e.g., barns and related outbuildings
the County’s rural fringe and more suburbanized
development patterns and intensities. Lots in this • Ornamental landscape enhancements
category typically provide substantial openness and and manicured lawn areas
separation between individual dwellings.
As a result of larger lot sizes, open space and • Scattered residential development on relatively
vegetation are intended to be the more dominant large acreages (greater than three acres),
views. The buildings remain the most apparent, resulting in very high open space ratios and very
dominant forms, with the landscape assuming a low site coverage (sometimes with residential
secondary role. Depending on the size of the home “estate” areas providing a transition from rural to
and its percent of coverage and location on the suburban densities).
lot, the Estate Residential character category may • Individual wastewater systems.
more closely resemble a larger version of the typical
suburban character. To achieve an Estate Residential • The driveway is a dominant element in the
character, the design of these subdivisions must composition of the manicured landscape.
actively seek to imitate more rural areas through the Garages are often free-standing and situated to
use of rural street cross sections, significant open the side or rear of the main dwelling.
space throughout the development, the use of rural • Transition between suburban and rural character
fence types to divide properties, the preservation areas, with further progression along the
or planting of native vegetation along property character spectrum toward rural environments
boundaries, and generous building setbacks on all where the landscape is visually dominant over
sides. structures.
Development Types • Should be limited to within roughly one miles of
an existing paved road.
• Large lot, single family detached residential
Adopted - August 19, 2019 | 19