Page 16 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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• Encourage infill and incremental redevelopment aligns with the County’s adopted policies and
of areas of the County that can support it. Infill regulations (as updated based on Comprehensive
and redevelopment utilize existing County Plan goals and strategies). Develop criteria to
infrastructure and should be encouraged as a determine how well proposed development
way to limit the County’s maintenance burden. meets Comprehensive Plan goals such as building
• Develop rural design guidelines to help preserve contiguous to existing cities and built-up areas,
existing rural character within Pottawatomie ability to provide water and sewer infrastructure,
County. Rural design guidelines can help and conserving pristine prairieland.
maintain the sense of place within the County • Encourage the development of a diversity of
while acknowledging that change and growth
housing types and sizes within areas of existing
is occurring and will continue to occur. Rural
development and growth. Both rental and
design guidelines primarily address aesthetics
non-rental housing, multi-family housing, and
that contribute to maintaining a rural feel and
single-family residential housing types of varying
can tie into the existing development framework
sizes and price points should be encouraged
within the County such as zoning and
within appropriate areas of the County. Life-
subdivision regulations. This may include how
cycle housing and housing that allows for aging
right-of-way is used, placement of buildings,
in place should be encouraged.
land use, landscaping, and signage, among other
elements. • Update zoning and subdivision regulations to
reflect Comprehensive Plan’s recommendations.
• Develop building codes to ensure high-quality The Quarter-Quarter Rule should be reviewed
development in fast growing areas of the during the annual review process to ensure
County. Work with the development community, that the regulation is adequately balancing
residents, Pottawatomie County Economic agricultural land preservation and rural land-
Development Corporation, and neighboring owners property rights. Potential revisions to
jurisdictions to develop and adopt building zoning and subdivision regulations should reflect
codes (which may be limited to areas of high transitional nature of Estate areas as distinct
growth within the County), based on existing from agricultural and suburban and urban
best practices. areas and seek to minimize burden on County
› Ensure coordination among County infrastructure.
departments involved in building code
inspection and safety such as Fire and
Planning and Zoning. Determine if code
enforcement officer will need to be hired by
Planning and Zoning Department.
• Establish formal plan review process for new
development to ensure development is resulting
in desired development patterns, as laid out
in the future land use plan. County staff and
Planning Commission and Board of County
Commissioners should establish a uniform and
objective rating system for development that
12 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019