Page 5 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 5

The Future County

                                     1 | INTRODUCTION
                         PLAN POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY 2040

           Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Comprehensive          will shape its future. Through long-range planning
           Plan is intended to guide future development,        efforts, the County can accommodate its projected
           redevelopment,  and  community  enhancement          growth and revitalization in a manner that preserves
           efforts over the next 20 years. It serves as a framework   its history, culture, and overall quality of life for
           for thoughtful community discussion on the real and   current and future residents.
           perceived challenges facing Pottawatomie County
           currently, as well as the upcoming opportunities that

           Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Comprehensive
           Plan resulted from an 18-month planning and             COMPREHENSIVE PLAN
           citizen  involvement  process.  The  plan’s  findings
           and recommendations focus on the physical and                    FOCUS AREAS
           economic aspects of the County’s projected growth             Land Use and Development
           and development in the coming years. It provides
           guiding principles, goals, and strategic action              Transportation and Mobility
           priorities that will help County officials and staff in
           determining the location, financing, and sequencing                 Growth Capacity
           of public improvements; administering development
           regulations; and guiding investment efforts. The plan            Economic Opportunity
           also provides a basis for coordinating the actions of
           many different functions and interests within and            Preservation and Open Space
           outside of county government.

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                                      The Future County    1  |  Introduction  |  1
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