Page 8 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Counties in Kansas derive their authority for • Economic conditions;
comprehensive planning from the State. Kansas • Natural resources; and
state statute 12-747 states “A county planning
• Any other element deemed necessary to the
commission is authorized to make or cause to be
comprehensive plan.
made a comprehensive plan for the coordinated
development of the county, including references The resulting plan may present recommendations
to planning for cities as deemed appropriate.” The for:
state statute provides that in the preparation of the
comprehensive plan, the following elements may be • The general location, extent and relationship
of the use of land for agriculture, residence,
business, industry, recreation, education, public
• Past and present conditions and trends relating buildings and other community facilities, major
to land use, population and building intensity; utility facilities both public and private and any
• Public facilities, transportation and transportation other use deemed necessary;
Community and leadership engagement activities during The Existing County phase included:
Informal listening sessions
An initial joint workshop Discussions with with five groups of 15-
with Board of County representatives of 20 people, representing
Commissioners and County departments. different areas of interest
Planning Commission. in the County.
A Town Hall Meeting on the
County’s Future. A series of meetings with
a Comprehensive Plan A survey.
Steering Committee.
4 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019