Page 6 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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PURPOSE for developing the Comprehensive Plan involved
discussions about Pottawatomie County’s priorities
and its capability to provide the necessary public
A comprehensive plan is usually the most important
services and facilities to support these priorities.
policy document a county government prepares
and maintains. This is because the plan: Long-range comprehensive planning provides an
• Lays out a “big picture” vision regarding the opportunity for the County’s elected and appointed
future growth and enhancement of the county. officials to step back from pressing, day-to-day
• Considers at once the entire geographic area issues and clarify their ideas on the kind of county
they are trying to create and maintain. Through the
of the county, including areas where new
plan development process, they can look broadly
development and redevelopment may occur.
at programs for housing, economic development,
• Assesses near- and longer-term needs and
and provision of public infrastructure and facilities
desires across a variety of inter-related topics
and how these efforts may relate to one another.
that represent the key “building blocks” of a
The plan ultimately represents a “big picture” of the
county (e.g., land use, transportation, urban
County and its near-term and longer-range future.
design, economic development, housing, open
Bottom line, the essential reasons for long-range
space, recreation, utility infrastructure, public
planning include to:
facilities and services, etc.).
• Provide a balance of land uses and services
Through a comprehensive plan, a county throughout the county to meet the needs and
determines how best to accommodate and manage desires of the population.
its projected growth. Plan Pottawatomie County • Ensure adequate public facilities to meet
2040 Comprehensive Plan is aimed at ensuring
the demands of future development and
that ongoing development and redevelopment will
proceed in an orderly, well-planned manner so that
• Achieve and maintain a development pattern
public facilities and services can keep pace and
that reflects the values of the County, and which
residents’ quality of life will be enhanced.
ensures a balanced tax base between residential
Significantly, by clarifying and stating the County’s and non-residential development.
intentions regarding the area’s physical development • Ensure the long-term protection and
and infrastructure investment, the plan also creates
enhancement of the perception and image of
a greater level of predictability for residents, land
the County.
owners, developers, and potential investors.
• Involve local citizens in the decision-making
process, provide a transparent planning process,
WHY PLAN? and reach consensus on the future vision for
Pottawatomie County.
Planning allows Pottawatomie County to better
control its future rather than simply react to change. USE OF THIS PLAN
Planning enables the County to manage future
growth and development pro-actively as opposed
to reacting to development and redevelopment on a A comprehensive plan, if embraced by the County
case-by-case basis without adequate and necessary and its leadership, has the potential to take a county
consideration of county-wide issues. The process to a whole new level in terms of livability and tangible
2 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019