Page 1 - San Marcos, TX Design Manual
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A      APPENDIX                                                                                Design Guidelines

        Article 1: CD-5D & CD-5 Design                          Division 2:  DEsiGn PRinCiPLEs

        guidelines                                              Section A.1.2.1   General Principles applicable to CD-5 and
        Division 1:  inTRoDUCTion                               A.  Purpose. This section sets forth fundamental principles for

                                                                    improvements in the districts. These principles are broad
        Section A.1.1.1   Purpose
                                                                    in nature, focusing on qualitative aspects of design. Each
        A.  The regulations in CD-5 and CD-5D establish the basic   improvement project in the districts should help forward the
            requirements for building mass and scale. (see Figure 1.1   goals outlined in the Introduction and should also comply with
            Design Context Map). These design guidelines supplement the   these fundamental design principles:
            Character District standards in the following ways:
                                                                    1.  Design for sustainability. Aspects of cultural, economic
            1.  As advisory information for those who wish to better    and environmental sustainability that relate to urban design
               understand the intent of the design standards in CD-5 and   and compatibility should be woven into new developments
               CD-5D.                                                   and improvements.

            2.  As part of design review for the administrative approval   2.  Enhance the public realm. At the heart of the districts is
               process.                                                 an enhanced public realm, including streets, sidewalks and
                                                                        open spaces. Sidewalks and other pedestrian ways should
            3.  As part of design review for the alternative compliance   be designed to invite their use through thoughtful planning
               process when alternatives are applied for.               and design. Improvement on private property also should
                                                                        enhance the public realm.
        B.  The guidelines within this document focus on allowing for
            flexibility in design while also protecting the character of the   3.  Enhance the pedestrian experience. Each improvement
            district and enhancing its pedestrian-friendly atmosphere.   project should contribute to a pedestrian-friendly
            The guidelines and the review process through which they    environment. This includes defining street edges with
            are administered seek to maintain a cohesive, livable place.   buildings and spaces that are visually interesting and
            Maintaining an attractive pedestrian-oriented environment is   attract pedestrian activity. Buildings that convey a sense of
            a fundamental concept. In addition, the guidelines serve as   human scale and streetscapes that invite walking are keys
            educational and planning tools for property owners and their   to successful design in the districts. Providing sidewalks
            design professionals who seek to make improvements.         of sufficient width for circulation and outdoor activities,

        C.  The design guidelines also provide a basis for making       and installing appropriate landscape and streetscape
            consistent decisions about the appropriateness of improvement   elements are also important.
            projects requesting alternative strategies through the City’s   4.  Design Excellence. Each new development should
            design review process. This includes both administrative    express excellence in design. This includes the use of
            review as well as Planning and Zoning Commission and City   high quality, sustainable materials; utilizing high quality
            Council review through the alternative compliance process.    construction methods; and paying attention to the details
            The design standards in the Land Development Code and the   of the project and its design. Thoughtful designs should
            City’s adopted building codes have been codified to meet    enhance the character of San Marcos, be sensitive to its
            the intent of the design guidelines.  Projects that meet those   surrounding context and create an enjoyable pedestrian
            standards and are not requesting exceptions shall be judged to   experience.
            have met the design guidelines.
                                                                Section A.1.2.2   Principles Specifc to Downtown CD-5D

                                                                    1.  Honor the heritage of the City. Buildings, sites and
                                                                        components of urban infrastructure that have historic

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