Page 9 - San Marcos, TX Design Manual
P. 9

A      APPENDIX                                                                                Design Guidelines

        Division 4:  DEsiGn GUiDELinEs

        Section A.1.4.1   Building Height

        A.  The variety in building heights that exist helps to define the character of the area. New development should continue the tradition of height
            variation, expressing and supporting human scale and architectural diversity in the area. New buildings above three stories should set
            back upper floors to maintain a sense of human scale at the street and minimize impacts to lower scale historic structures in the district.
            The following Table 1.1 should be used when analyzing requests for additional height.

        Table 1.1: Height strategy by Context
         Design Context  Goal(s)                   Additional Height in First and second   Additional Height in Third Layer
         University Edge  Preserve key public views up the   Alternatives which maintain sufficient   Alternatives may be considered where taller
                       hill to campus. Create a transition in  public access to key views up the hill may  structures will provide greater residential
                       height from the Downtown Core to   be considered. Building height that relates  opportunities within proximity to campus
                       the University.             to traditional building heights in the   and key views are sufficiently maintained.
                                                   Downtown Historic District is appropriate.  Additional height may be considered when
                                                                                  it is found to meet the requirements for
                                                                                  alternative compliance and especially the
                                                                                  design guidelines for varied massing and
                                                                                  expression within the First and Second
         Downtown Core  Maintain compatibility with   Flexibility for building height requirements  No additional height adjacent to the
                       traditional buildings in the   may be considered where it will not be   Downtown Historic District. Additional
                       Downtown Historic District.   visible from the square. Overall mass   height may be considered where it will not
                       Courthouse Square.          should maintain a sense of human scale   obscure key views. Additional height may
                                                   and not appear out of character with   be considered where it will not obscure key
                                                   Building height should be compatible with  views, but additional height above five stories
                                                   the historic buildings in the Downtown   is discouraged in this design context.
                                                   Historic District.
         Residential/  Maintain a sense of scale that   No additional height.     Additional height should only be permitted if
         Transition Edge  relates to the adjacent residential                     it is not visible from the public right of way or
                       zoning districts and uses. Create                          the adjacent residential neighborhoods. No
                       a transition from higher scale                             additional height.
                       development in the Downtown Core.
                       Minimize impacts from higher scale
                       development on the character of
                       adjacent residential neighborhoods.
                       Provide a transition in scale
                       between the CD-5D zoning T5 zone
                       and the neighborhoods.

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