Page 10 - San Marcos, TX Design Manual
P. 10
Design Guidelines APPENDIX
Transit Variety and creativity in building Additional height at the street wall may be Additional height may be appropriate here
neighborhood design, including height, is appropriate where the building maintains where the building maintains a sense of
oriented appropriate in this context. Taller a sense of human scale and a pedestrian- human scale and maintains a pedestrian-
Development buildings may be appropriate in friendly streetscape. friendly streetscape.
this context as long as the height
at the street is designed with the
pedestrian in mind. An increased
density at and surrounding the
future rail stop is desired.
Approach The intent for the Approach design Additional height is inappropriate in the Additional height may be appropriate where
context is to create an entry corridor first and second layers. The intent for it does not directly impact residential
that celebrates community heritage the approach area is to provide corridors neighborhoods. The building should maintain
and welcomes visitors to downtown between the highway and downtown. a sense of human scale and a pedestrian-
San Marcos as they exit the highway friendly streetscape.
and move toward the Downtown
Core. New design is scaled to
be compatible with traditional
buildings along Guadalupe and
LBJ. approach area is to provide
corridors between the highway and
Midtown Promote high-density mixed use Additional height may be appropriate Alternatives may be considered where taller
Entertainment development to complement where the building maintains a sense structures will provide greater residential
District Downtown. of human scale and pedestrian-friendly opportunities within proximity to campus
streetscape. and key views are sufficiently maintained
and alternative forms of transportation
connections to campus have been
in section of the Land Development Code by adding
additional Expression Tools and Building Elements.
Section A.1.4.2 Varied Upper Floor Massing Requirement.
C. Guidelines. In order to ensure a human scale is established in
A. Specific to CD-5D Applicability. The following guidelines are the design of new buildings, incorporate strategies outlined in
specific to CD-5D. Table 1.2 as well as the following guidelines:
B. Overview. Buildings in CD-5D are typically three stories or 1. Establish a sense of human scale in the design of a new
less in height, although taller building heights can occur and building.
are somewhat common in the third layer, depending on the
design context. In most cases a range of building heights occur 2. Reduce the overall perceived mass of a new building by
across a single block face. As the desired density increase dividing it into smaller modules.
is incorporated, it is important that new, taller structures not
dominate the street front. Taller buildings should vary upper 3. Design each building module to reflect building widths and
floor massing to provide variety in building height as perceived heights seen historically in the downtown.
from the street and to maintain a sense of pedestrian scale
at the sidewalk. If an alternative to the varied upper floor
massing requirements is requested, the building shall exceed
the minimum requirements of the blank wall area outlined
San Marcos Design Manual A:11