Page 100 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 100

Additions to His toric residentiAl Buildin gs

                                              a .  a d d i t i o n s   t o   h i s t o R i c

                                              R e s i d e n t i a l   b u i l d i n g s

                                              The guidelines that follow provide key considerations for the
                                              preservation of existing additions of historic significance and the
            An addition constructed in a
                                              design of new additions to historic buildings.
            manner compatible with the original
            building and associated with the
            period of significance may merit   h i s t o R i c   a d d i t i o n s
            preservation in its own right.    An addition constructed in a manner compatible with the original
                                              building and associated with the period of significance may merit
                                              preservation in its own right. In contrast, more recent additions that
                                              detract from the character of the building should be considered for

                                              5.1  Preserve an older addition that has achieved historic
                                                   significance in its own right.
                                                   a. For example, a porch or kitchen wing may have been
                                                      added to the original building early in its history. Such
                                                      an addition is usually similar in character to the original
                                                      building in terms of materials, finishes and design.

                                              5.2  Preserve an existing secondary structure when
                                                   a. Retain original materials and features when feasible.

                                              5.3  Non-contributing additions and secondary structures
                                                   may be removed.
                                                   a. When removing an addition attached to the historic
                                                      structure, do not damage the existing historic fabric.

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