Page 98 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 98
TreaTmenT of His Toric resources
a d a p t i v e R e u s e
The best use for a historic structure is that for which the building
was designed, or a closely related use. Every effort should be
made to provide a compatible use for the building that will require
minimal alteration to the building and site. For instance, converting
a historic residential building into a bed and breakfast, or an office,
is an example of an appropriate adaptive reuse project as they can
be accomplished without major alterations to the exterior of the
Seek a use that is compatible historic structure.
with the historic character of the
building. For instance, this former 4.63 Seek a use that is compatible with the historic
residential structure is now used character of the building.
for offices, an appropriate adaptive a. Select a use that will not adversely affect the historic
reuse. integrity of the building.
b. Design the adaptive reuse project to avoid altering any
character-defining features of the historic structure.
c. Consider incorporating interpretive aspects that help show
how the building was used historically.
4.64 Encourage a new use that requires minimal change to
the existing structure.
a. When a more significant change in use is necessary to
Develop a design that respects
keep the building in active service, those uses that require
the historic integrity of the
the least alteration to significant elements are preferred.
building while accommodating
b. Develop a design that respects the historic integrity of the
new functions. This residential to
building while accommodating new functions.
restaurant use is an appropriate
type of reuse.
90 Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines