Page 103 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 103

Additions to His toric residentiAl Buildin gs

            locating and designing an addition to a contRibuting histoRic building
            An addition to a contributing historic building in a locally-designated historic district should be clearly
            differentiated from the original structure and be subordinately located and scaled as illustrated below.

            Original Structure                 Birds-Eye View                     Street View
            This one-story bungalow illustrated
            at the right is a contributing
            structure in a locally-designated
            historic district.

            Side Addition Flush With Front

            The side addition illustrated at the
            right is inappropriate because it is
            not set back from the front façade of
            the original building.

            Side Addition Set Back From
            Front Façade
            The one-story side addition
            illustrated at the right is appropriate
            because it is set back from the front
            façade of the original building and is
            appropriately scaled.

            Rooftop Addition Flush With
            The rooftop addition shown to the
            right is inappropriate because it is
            flush with the front of the original
            building and is out of scale,
            overwhelming the original building.

            Appropriate Rooftop Addition

            The rooftop addition shown to the
            right is appropriate because it is
            set back from the front façade
            of the original structure and is
            proportionately scaled.

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