Page 109 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 109
Design guiDelines For new Cons truCtion
c h a p t e R 6 : d e s i g n
g u i d e l i n e s f o R n e W
c o n s t R u c t i o n
This section presents design guidelines for the construction of new
residential structures in Waxahachie’s locally-designated historic
districts. These guidelines relate to the fundamental relationships
of a building to its context, such as mass, scale and form.
Designing a building to fit within the historic character of a
neighborhood requires careful thought. Preservation in a historic
district context does not mean that the area must be “frozen” in
time, but it does mean that when new building occurs, it should
reinforce the basic visual characteristics of the district. This does
not imply, however, that a new building must look old. In fact,
imitating historic styles is generally discouraged.
This chapter presents design guidelines for the construction of new
residential structures in Waxahachie’s historic districts. It begins
with general principles for new construction in a historic district
and then provides more specific guidelines for a variety of design
Preservation in a historic district context does not mean that the area
must be “frozen” in time, but it does mean that when new building occurs,
it should reinforce the basic visual characteristics of the district.
Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines 101