Page 110 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 110
Design guiDelines For new Cons truCtion
a . g e n e R a l p R i n c i p l e s f o R
n e W c o n s t R u c t i o n
New designs should relate to the fundamental characteristics of
the historic houses on a block while also conveying the stylistic
trends of today. It may do so by drawing upon the basic elements
of a building that make up a part of the character of the property.
Such features include the way in which a building is located on its
site, the manner in which it relates to the street and its basic mass,
form and materials. When these design variables are arranged
in a new building to be similar to those seen traditionally, visual
New residential construction
compatibility results.
should be compatible with adjacent
historic buildings in scale, massing,
These basic design relationships are more fundamental than the
materials, color and overall design.
details of individual architectural styles and, therefore, it is possible
to be compatible with the historic context while also producing a
design that is contemporary. The two guidelines are:
• Maintain alignment of front setbacks.
• Maintain the rhythm of buildings and side yards.
The sections below discuss considerations for new residential
construction in historic districts in greater detail.
c o m p a t i b i l i t y
New residential construction should be compatible with adjacent
historic buildings in scale, massing, materials, color and overall
design. Elements of compatibility include siting, orientation,
spacing, landscaping and distance among adjacent buildings.
A successful compatible design will also consider the distinctive
architectural character of the street, the neighborhood and the
district. A new structure will also demonstrate compatibility with the
district based on the similarity of the ratio of landscaping to hard
surfaces for portions of a site visible from the public right-of-way.
102 Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines