Page 5 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 5

Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines

              t a b l e   o f   c o n t e n t s

              c h a p t e R   1 :   i n t R o d u c t i o n  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

              A.  Design Guidelines Foundation ....................................................... 2

                  Why Have Design Guidelines? ...................................................................2
                  Who Uses Design Guidelines? ...................................................................2
                  Policies Underlying the Guidelines .............................................................3

                  Regulatory Framework  .............................................................................4
              B.  Preservation and Sustainability  .................................................... 5
                  Cultural/Social Component of Sustainability  ...............................................5

                  Environmental Component of Sustainability .................................................6
                  Economic Component of Sustainability  ......................................................8

              C.  The Development of Waxahachie .................................................... 9
                  Oldham Avenue Historic District  .............................................................. 16
                  North Rogers Street Historic District ........................................................ 18
                  West End Historic District  ...................................................................... 20

              c h a p t e R   2 :   u s i n g   t h e   d e s i g n   g u i d e l i n e s  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

              A.  Design Guidelines Organization ................................................... 23
                  Introduction ........................................................................................... 24
                  Using the Design Guidelines ................................................................... 24

                  Planning a Preservation Project ............................................................... 24
                  Treatment of Historic Resources .............................................................. 24
                  Design Guidelines for Additions ............................................................... 24

                  Design Guidelines for New Construction ................................................... 24
                  Which Chapters Apply to my Project? ....................................................... 25
              B.  The Design Review System .......................................................... 26

                  Design Review Tracks ............................................................................ 27
              C.  When are the Design Guidelines Used? ........................................ 28
                  Designated Historic Overlay District ......................................................... 29

                  Use of Tax Incentives ............................................................................. 30
                  Type of Proposed Work ........................................................................... 31

              D.  Design Guidelines Components ................................................... 32

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