Page 9 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 9
c h a p t e R 1 :
i n t R o d u c t i o n
The City of Waxahachie is nationally recognized for its rich
collection of historic resources. These are enjoyed by residents,
business owners and visitors as links to the City’s heritage, which
also set the stage for a vibrant future. Preserving these assets is
essential to Waxahachie’s well-being. These Residential Design
Guidelines for Waxahachie’s residential historic districts promote
the community’s vision for preservation by guiding appropriate
stewardship of historic resources, and promoting compatible
redevelopment in the districts. By preserving existing buildings
and guiding compatible redevelopment, the guidelines also help
promote cultural, environmental and economic sustainability.
The Residential Design Guidelines address rehabilitation,
alteration, additions to historic buildings and new construction in
the three National Register-designated residential historic districts
of Waxahachie. This document also is a tool for the Waxahachie
The Residential Design Guidelines
Heritage Preservation Commission to use in the review of projects
provide guidance for rehabilitation
to determine whether the project would or would not materially
projects to ensure appropriate
impair a historic resource or a district as a whole.
alterations are made. The images
above illustrate one such project,
This introduction provides background information on the
with the top photo showing 1009
design guidelines and their relationship to existing policies and
W. Main before rehabilitation, and
regulations. Following a description of the basis and audience for
the bottom image taken after the
the design guidelines, it also includes a brief history of the historic
project was completed.
development of Waxahachie to assist with an understanding of the
community’s traditional development patterns. A short description
of the three residential historic districts also is included to provide
more detailed information about where these residential design
guidelines apply.
Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines 1