Page 12 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
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                                              R e g u l a t o R y   f R a m e W o R k
             Additional Resources
                                              The City’s Code of Ordinances provides the basic regulations that
            Additional regulations and
                                              shape development in Waxahachie. They include zoning standards
            resources that relate to design
                                              that relate to all properties and historic preservation standards that
            and historic preservation in
                                              relate to designated historic properties or properties within historic
            Waxahachie include:
            The Secretary of the Interior’s
            Standards for the Treatment       Zoning Standards
            of Historic Properties.           The City’s Code of Ordinances sets forth zoning standards
            These are general rehabilitation   that provide the basic rules for development. These standards,
            guidelines established by         included primarily within Appendix A to the Code, apply to
            the National Park Service.        development and redevelopment in Waxahachie. The distinction
            They are currently used by        between zoning standards and design guidelines is summarized in
            the Waxahachie Heritage           Zoning Standards vs. Design Guidelines below.
            Preservation Commission to
            review projects involving historic
                                              Historic Preservation Ordinance
            resources. The Waxahachie
                                              The City’s Code of Ordinances includes a historic preservation
            Residential Design Guidelines
                                              ordinance that establishes the Waxahachie Heritage Preservation
            expand on the principles in
                                              Commission and a Historic Overlay District tool for the purpose of
            these standards as they apply
                                              designating historic resources and establishing review procedures,
            in Waxahachie.
                                              including design guidelines. The Oldham Avenue Historic
                                              District is an Historic Overlay District which means a Certificate
                                              of Appropriateness is required for exterior work. The design
                                              guidelines will be used to determine whether proposed changes
            Preservation Briefs and Tech
                                              are appropriate and if a Certificate of Appropriateness should be
                                              issued. More information about the distinction between the district
            The Cultural Resources
                                              designations and whether a Certificate of Appropriateness is
            Department of the National
                                              required prior to beginning work can be found in “Chapter 2: Using
            Park Service, in the U.S.
                                              the Design Guidelines” on page 23.
            Department of the Interior,
            publishes a series of technical    Zoning Standards vs. Design Guidelines
            reports regarding proper
            preservation techniques. This     Zoning Standards                 Design Guidelines
            series, Preservation Briefs
            and Tech Notes, is a mainstay
            for many preservationists in
            the field. When considering
            a preservation project, these
            resources should be consulted.
            how-to-preserve/briefs.htm        Zoning standards address:*       Design Guidelines address:*
                                                •  Density                        •  Compatibility
                                                •  Use                            •  Site design
                                                •  Building placement             •  Building scale, orientation
                                                •  Lot coverage by buildings         and massing
                                                •  Height                         •  Historic rehabilitation
                                                                                  •  Entries and windows
                                              *These are partial lists of requirements and design considerations addressed by the zoning
                                              standards and design guidelines that apply in Waxahachie.
            4                                                      Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines
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