Page 7 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 7

Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines

              c h a p t e R   4 :   t R e a t m e n t   o f   h i s t o R i c   R e s o u R c e s  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9

              A.  General Historic Design Guidelines .............................................. 60

                  Character Defining Features .................................................................... 60
                  Architectural Details ............................................................................... 63
                  Building Elements and Materials .............................................................. 64

                  Roofs .................................................................................................... 68
                  Doors and Entries .................................................................................. 72
                  Windows ............................................................................................... 74

                  Porches ................................................................................................ 77
                  Building Foundations .............................................................................. 80
                  Building Lighting .................................................................................... 81

              B.  Site Considerations ..................................................................... 82
                  Treatment of Historic Landscapes and Site Design  .................................... 82

                  Fences, Walls and Gates ........................................................................ 83
                  Walkways, Driveways, Parking and Paving ................................................ 85
                  Site Lighting .......................................................................................... 86
              C.  Special Considerations ................................................................ 87

                  Accessibility .......................................................................................... 87
                  Energy Conservation and Generation ....................................................... 88

                  Adaptive Reuse ...................................................................................... 90

              c h a p t e R   5 :   a d d i t i o n s   t o   h i s t o R i c   R e s i d e n t i a l   b u i l d i n g s  91

              A.  Additions to Historic Residential Buildings .................................. 92
                  Historic Additions ................................................................................... 92
                  New Additions ........................................................................................ 93

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