Page 73 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 73
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Exterior Building Materials and Finishes
Historic building materials should be preserved in place whenever
feasible. If the material is damaged, then limited replacement
that matches the original material should be considered.
These materials should never be covered. Preserving original
building materials and limiting replacement to only pieces which
are deteriorated beyond repair reduces the demand for, and
environmental impacts from, the production of new materials. A
Harsh cleaning methods, such as
variety of building materials including horizontal wood siding, stone
sandblasting, can damage and
and brick are used throughout Waxahachie’s historic districts. The
change the appearance of historic
design guidelines below apply to all building materials.
materials, and are, therefore,
4.6 Preserve an original building material. inappropriate.
a. Protect a historic building material from deterioration.
b. Do not remove a historic material that is in good condition.
c. Remove only those materials which are deteriorated, and
must be replaced.
4.7 Use the gentlest means possible to clean the surface
of a structure.
a. If cleaning is appropriate, utilize a low-pressure water
b. Perform a test patch to determine that the cleaning
method will cause no damage to the material surface.
c. Harsh cleaning methods, such as sandblasting, can
damage and change the appearance of historic materials
and are inappropriate.
4.8 Repair a deteriorated primary building material.
a. Repair by patching, piecing-in, consolidating or otherwise
reinforcing the material.
b. Repair mortar joints where there is evidence of
4.9 Choose a replacement material that matches the
original material in composition, scale and finish.
a. Replace only those materials that are deteriorated and are
beyond reasonable repair.
Choose a replacement material
b. Utilize a replacement material that matches the original. If
that matches the original material
the original material is wood clapboard, for example, then
in composition, scale and finish.
the replacement material should be wood as well.
c. Do not use synthetic materials, such as aluminum, vinyl
or panelized brick, as replacements for historic building
materials such as wood siding and masonry.
Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines 65