Page 86 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 86
TreaTmenT of His Toric resources
4.34 When replacing a porch is necessary, design it to be
similar in character, design, scale and materials to
those seen traditionally.
a. Design the size of the porch to relate to the overall scale
of the primary structure.
b. Base the replacement design on historic documentation. If
historic documentation is not available, the design should
be simple in nature.
c. Avoid detailing a porch with non-traditional elements, as
that creates a false sense of history and is inappropriate.
4.35 Use materials similar to those seen historically when
constructing a replacement porch.
a. Use materials similar to those seen historically. Typically,
wood is the appropriate material.
When replacing a porch is
b. Alternative materials for porch decking may be considered
necessary, design it to be similar
where they appear similar to the original.
in character, design, scale
c. Use of 2 x 4 boards for porch decking is discouraged.
and materials to those seen
Replacing a missing poRch on a histoRic building
When an original porch has been removed or altered, historic documentation should be utilized to
design a replacement porch. Where documentation is not available, simplified porch forms should be
existing alteRed condition pRefeRRed appRoach acceptable appRoach
The original porch on this When historic documentation is When historic documentation is not
vernacular house has been available, a replacement porch available, a simplified interpretation
removed. should be designed similar to that of a traditional porch design should
seen historically. be utilized.
78 Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines