Page 82 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 82
TreaTmenT of His Toric resources
W i n d o W s
The type, size, framing, dividing lights, location and configuration
(rhythm) of historic windows help establish the character and
significance of a building and should be preserved. Historic
windows can be repaired by re-glazing and patching and splicing
elements such as muntins, the frame, sill and casing. Repair,
weatherization and installation of interior storm windows are often
more energy efficient, and a less expensive solution than replacing
historic windows with new windows. If a historic window cannot be
repaired, a new replacement window should be in character with
the historic building.
4.24 Preserve the functional and decorative features of a
historic window.
a. Preserve historic window features including the frame,
303 E Marvin Ave sash, muntins, mullions, glazing, sills, heads, jambs,
moldings, operation and groupings of windows.
b. Repair frames and sashes rather than replacing them,
whenever possible.
c. For repair of window components, epoxies and related
products may serve as effective solutions to material
deterioration and operational malfunction.
4.25 Preserve the position, number, size and arrangement
of historic windows on a building wall.
Repair frames and sashes rather a. Preserve the historic ratio of window openings to solid wall
than replacing them, whenever on a primary façade.
possible. b. Do not enclose a historic window opening or add a new
window opening on a primary wall.
c. Do not reduce an original opening to accommodate a
smaller window or increase the opening to receive a larger
4.26 When a historic window is not in a repairable
condition, match a replacement window to the original
in its design.
a. Match the original window design on key historic walls.
This is especially important on front walls of a historic
Preserve the position, number, structure, as well as other walls that face a public street.
size and arrangement of historic b. Match the number and position of glass panes when
windows on a building wall. installing a replacement window.
c. If the original window is double-hung, choose a
replacement window that is double-hung or appears to be
74 Waxahac hie Residential design guidelines