Page 54 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 54
• Brookings County History Museum
The Brookings County History Museum is located in Volga and
aims to lead in the collection and promotion of the history of
Brookings County and the surrounding area in order to ensure
the area’s history is preserved for the enrichment and benefit of
present and future generations.
Advocacy Component Analysis
• A non-profit preservation organization does not exist that is
The Administration Building and dedicated to promoting preservation and engaging the commu-
Chapel of the College, which were nity.
later demolished. (SD Digital Archives) • Existing policies do not identify or provide a framework to
involve groups and organizations that could assist with historic
preservation efforts, even if their primary goals as an organiza-
tion are not preservation related.
• No formal mechanism exists for advocacy groups and other
partner organizations to communicate roles and collaborate on
programming efforts.
• Minimal programs exist which target heritage tourists.
• Homeowners associations to assist with informational resource
distribution do not exist in the residential neighborhoods.
804 6th Avenue, also known as the • New collaborations with organizations and community mem-
W.A. Caldwell House, a contributing bers can be explored, and existing partnerships can be en-
structure in the University Residential hanced. Consider working with the following groups:
Historic District, and individually listed » Look for opportunities to collaborate with SDSU students
in the National Register of Historic and faculty in different departments, especially in ways that
Places. (W&Co, 2020) focus on education of Brookings’ historic resources.
» Tourism
» Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department
50 Brookings Historic Preservation Plan