Page 52 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
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Federal and State Preservation Partner Organizations
• National Alliance for Preservation Commissions
The National Alliance for Preservation Commission (NAPC) was
founded in 1983 in response to amendments to the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966. These amendments provide
financial assistance to local governments that met requirements
of the Certified Local Government (CLG) program, including the
establishment of a local preservation ordinance and commis-
sion. NAPC provides a forum for commissions to discuss mutual
problems and to serve as a national voice representing the par-
ticular needs of commissions. NAPC provides technical support
and manages an information network to help local commissions
accomplish their preservation objectives. Programs include a bi-
ennial FORUM conference and Commission Assistance and Men-
toring Program (CAMP®). NAPC also serves as an advocate at
federal, state and local levels of government to promote policies
and programs that support preservation commission efforts.
• South Dakota State Historical Society/State Historic Preservation
The South Dakota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
manages the National Register of Historic Places program of the
National Park Service (NPS) in South Dakota. The program sur-
veys, inventories, and registers historical properties. The SHPO
also monitors state, federal, and local government activities
which affect cultural and historic resources; provides advice on
preservation methods; promotes public education on historical
properties; and supports municipal and county historic preser-
vation commissions to advance the state’s economic, social, and
educational objectives. The SHPO established and is responsible
for the Certified Local Government (CLG) program.
• National Trust for Historic Preservation
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a privately
funded non-profit preservation organization that was founded
in 1949 by congressional charter to support the preservation
of America’s diverse historic buildings, neighborhoods, and
The logos above represent some of the heritage through its programs, resources, and advocacy efforts.
important state and federal partner The National Trust aims to save America’s historic sites, tell the
organizations that assist with various full American story, build stronger communities, and to invest
components of the Brookings historic in preservation’s future. The organization accomplishes these
preservation program. goals through a variety of programs including:
» National Trust Historic Sites
» Fund for Sacred Places
» African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
» America’s 11 most Endangered Historic Places
» Preservation Leadership Forum
» PastForward National Preservation Conference
» Main Street America
The National Main Street Center leads a movement
committed to strengthening communities through
preservation-based economic development in older
and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial
districts. The National Main Street Center was established
in 1980 as a program of the National Trust for Historic
Preservation as a way to address the myriad issues facing
older and historic downtowns. The BHPC is a member of
Main Street America.
48 Brookings Historic Preservation Plan