Page 76 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 76

How to Utilize the Action Statements and Informational Keys

               The actions in this chapter are divided                       0-5 Years 5-10 Years 10+ Years
               between three time frames: near-, mid-
               , and long-term. Some actions require           Near-Term        
               ongoing work and are noted with an              Mid-Term                    
               asterisk.                                       Long-Term                               

               After each action and its detail provided
               in subactions, a series of informational keys
               are provided to contextualize the action, relate it back to the key Plan goals and other
               actions within this chapter, and to indicate who will work to implement the action. The
               information below explains each of the additional elements paired with the actions.

               Goals                                            Lead Organizations and Partners

               After each action, the related goals are         While the City’s Planning and Urban
               noted through an checkmark within a              Design Division staff may take the lead
               circle. An example is shown below.               on implementing a significant number
                                                                of the actions, other City departments
                   Goal        Goal          Goal               and partner organizations will also play
                     1           2            3                 a role. Non-City entities may be noted
                                                                as Partners for implementation for some
               Related Actions                                  action statements. These potential
                                                                partners will need to be consulted prior
               Some actions are specifically related to         to implementation to determine their
               other action statements in their topic or        capacity and interest.
                     tool, or they may be part of a logical
                N2 implementation sequence. Where               A corresponding spreadsheet also
                     one action is related to another, a        includes this information as well as the
               turquoise box with the action number will        recommended actions. It is formatted
               follow the action statement.                     for staff to track progress on the actions.
                                                                This spreadsheet can be found in the

        70   DES MOINES Citywide Historic Preservation Plan
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