Page 78 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 78

Telling All Histories: The Potential of          N2.  Recommit to the survey and
               Citywide Surveys                                         research of potential resources
                                                                        throughout Des Moines with the
               In any city, many factors determine                      goal of creating a community-
               what gets surveyed for the purposes                      led process that highlights
               of historic preservation. These factors                  stories of underrepresented
               might include large-scale infrastructure                 community groups and less-
               projects, real estate developments,                      traditional historic resources.
               or other potential threats to historic
               resources, as well as citizen advocacy                       Goal        Goal         Goal
               or particular funding opportunities.                          1            2            3
               The resulting surveys, while useful, are
               often piecemeal, narrowly focused,                       a.  Prioritize the research, survey and
               and related to buildings and districts                      designation of sites, buildings,
               that have accepted and tangible                             events, protests, festivals, places,
                                                                           etc. that focus on stories of Black,
               architectural merit or have traditional                     Indigenous, and People of Color
               historic or cultural associations. What                     (BIPOC), members of the Lesbian,
               these types of surveys fail to document is                  Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTQ+)
               the full, diverse and intersecting histories                community, houseless and immigrants
               of the city, especially those not fully                     in Des Moines.
               apparent in the built environment.                       b.  Determine a methodology to directly

               New and innovative approaches                               engage citizens in survey work
               to historic surveys are beginning to                        to identify and protect resources
                                                                           – tangible and intangible – that
               address these shortcomings. Discover                        represent the complete history of
               Denver and SurveyLA are excellent                           Des Moines. This methodology should
               examples. Both utilize GIS mapping,                         focus on creating a continuous
               mobile devices, and crowd-sourced                           community dialogue where the City
               data to directly engage citizens in                         learns from community input.
               naming the places they value. While                      c.  Develop a systemized way of
               they forfeit the granular, expert                           collecting information, emphasizing
               resource assessment of traditional                          community input, and conducting
               surveys, they succeed in identifying and                    research on important elements of
               documenting diverse, lesser known, and                      the city to determine the potential
                                                                           for local designation, recognition,
               intangible assets. SurveyLA, the most                       and celebration in traditional or non-
               comprehensive survey of any American                        traditional ways.
               city, documented 880,000 land parcels.
               Discover Denver has similar aspirations                  d.  Partner with the Greater Public Art
                                                                           Foundation and others to evaluate
               but it has only just gotten underway.                       the impact of existing recognition
                                                                           and designations.
               These types of comprehensive, city-
               wide surveys can be a key strategy in                    e.  Develop and maintain an online
               creating a more equitable and inclusive                     tracking tool to provide a visual
                                                                           representation of the types of stories,
               preservation program. By documenting                        histories, and resources that have
               all histories, they lay the groundwork                      been highlighted through the survey
               for deploying approaches that can                           and designation process.*
               preserve all histories.
             * Requires ongoing work.

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