Page 82 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 82

Salvage and Deconstruction                        N4.  Enhance the existing Historic
              Policies and Programs                                     Preservation Commission to
                                                                        better reflect and learn from the
              Developing a sound strategy for salvage                   community.
              often includes encouraging property
              owners to deconstruct, rather than                            Goal        Goal         Goal
              demolish. Many municipalities adopt a                          1            2            3
              concrete deconstruction and/or salvage                    a.  Enhance the HPC's educational and
              policy. Examples include:                                    outreach component by advocating

                 –  Milwaukee, WI Deconstruction                           for the historic preservation program
                  Ordinance                                                and providing additional educational
                 –  Portland, OR Deconstruction Program                    outreach to the community.*
                                                                               Continue attending regular
                 –  San Antonio, TX Deconstruction and                         neighborhood association meetings
                  Salvage Initiative                                           for the district in which the HPC
                                                                               member resides to answer questions
                                                                               about the COA process.
                                                                           ii.   Provide informational materials to
                                                                               new residents in the neighborhood/
                                                                               historic district.
                                                                        b.  As future historic districts and
                                                                           cultural resources are designated
                                                                           (and the number of HPC seats
                                                                           increase), consider creating HPC
                                                                           subcommittees to address certain
                                                                           geographic areas or types of
                                                                           resources. These groups could
                                                                           provide an initial review and
                                                                           recommendations of the COA
                                                                           application to be distributed to the
                                                                           full HPC to be used in the report.
                                                                           Reviews should still be coordinated
                                                                           with staff review, meaning additional
                                                                           staff would likely be needed with an
                                                                           increased number of designated
                                                                           historic resources.
                                                                        c.  Actively work to fill HPC positions
                                                                           with individuals that represent the
                                                                           communities they serve in terms of
                                                                           age, race, gender, socioeconomic
                                                                           background, and heritage by
                                                                           working with neighborhood
                                                                           associations, residents, and other
                                                                           community groups.*
                                                                  Related    N5
                                                                        •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines
                                                                        •   Partner: HPC
             Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
             * Requires ongoing work.

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