Page 84 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 84

Increasing Accessibility Through                 N6.  Update existing components of
               Language Access Plans and                                the City’s website and consider
               Programs                                                 creating new components
                                                                        to more accurately reflect
               With a growing population that speaks                    historic preservation-related
               a language other than English at                         information.
               home (19.4% in 2020 and 21.1% in 2021,
               according to U.S. Census data ), the                         Goal        Goal         Goal
               City of Des Moines is working to provide                      1            2            3
               more accessible materials, as noted in                   a.  Create a designated landing page
               the Social Equity portion of PlanDSM.                       for the historic preservation program,
                                                                           which should include information
               This approach applies to the City's                         about the HPC, designated historic
               historic preservation program as well,                      resources, design review, funding
               which needs increased accessibility in                      sources, technical assistance, etc.
               all ways, including the language aspect.                    i.   Clearly identify existing funding
               Many communities across the country                             opportunities on the City’s webpage,
               have published Language Access Plans,                           providing links to other City webpages
               which typically apply community-wide.                           or external websites as needed.
               Some communities are now taking this a                          Maintain an internal spreadsheet of
                                                                               funding sources (with detail such as
               step further to publish Language Access                         the website, amount, funding cycle,
               Plans specific to the historic preservation                     and if a local match is required) to
               program, an approach the City should                            utilize to update this webpage.
               consider. Examples include:                                 ii.   Determine other City webpages that
                 –  Nevada State Historic Preservation Office                  can be linked back to this historic
                                                                               preservation program landing page.
                  Language Access Plan
                 –  NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission               b.  Update existing webpages with
                                                                           historic preservation-related
                  Language Access Implementation Plan                      information.
                 –  Seattle's Historic Preservation Program -              i.   Update the Show Me My House
                  Improved Language Access Services                            webpage’s Zoning Category to
                                                                               more easily identify if a property is
               1  Language Spoken At Home, Table S1601                         designated as a historic structure or
               of the American Community Survey Results.                       part of a historic district.
               (2019 and 2021)
               table?q=des+moines+iowa&tid=ACSST1Y2021.                    ii.   Update the Find Neighborhoods tool
               S1601                                                           to more quickly and easily alert a
                                                                               property owner if their property is in a
                                                                               historic district.
                                                                           iii.  Include historic preservation maps in
                                                                               the Map Center webpage.

             Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
             * Requires ongoing work.

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