Page 89 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 89
c. Optimize the tool for use in the Database of Certificate of
field by community members, staff,
elected, and appointed officials. Appropriateness Applications
Bring this tool to events throughout
the city that staff attends to increase Over the years, the Historic Preservation
accessibility to the tool. Commission sees many COA
d. Create a handout for the public with applications. Developing a database to
details about how to access the information about completed Certificate
webtool. This handout could be used of Appropriateness applications may
by other City departments during assist with the following:
outreach events or utilized during – Increasing consistency between
routine interactions with the public. application decisions;
e. On an annual basis, coordinate – Remind HPC members (existing and
with outside community stakeholder new) of previous decisions;
partner to present the input to the
Historic Preservation Commission – Assisting applicants with an
(HPC) to identify research needs to understanding of the process and former
further explore, exploring priorities COA decisions for similar application
for survey work and potential future types; and
designations.* – Informing community members of
Related reviews of neighboring properties.
Actions N2
• Lead Agency: City of Des Moines, This database should be widely
Development Services accessible and frequently updated. The
• Partners: City of Des Moines, Information organization of the database could take
Technology (IT); City of Des Moines, multiple forms. The following examples
Communications Office; City of Des
Moines, City Manager's Office; Iowa provide formats to consider:
State University (faculty and students); – Historic Conservation Board Archived
Drake University; Des Moines Public School Cases - City of Cincinnati, OH
District; Neighborhood Associations; Des
Moines Public Library; Faith Community – Landmark Commission Certificates of
Appropriateness and Certificates of
Demolition - City of Dallas, TX
– Certificate of Appropriateness Records
and Minutes - City of Milwaukee, WI
Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
* Requires ongoing work.
Adopted Plan (September 2023) 83