Page 90 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
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Local Historic Districts vs. National             M2.  Maintain a set of Certificate of
              Register Historic Districts                               Appropriateness informational
                                                                        tools to ensure consistent
              Refer to Chapter 3, pages 33-37 for more                  application review and inform
              information on this distinction.                          potential applicants of the
                                                                        expectations for approval.

                                                                            Goal        Goal         Goal
              Conservation Districts                                          1           2            3

              Often considered a "preservation lite"                    a.  Update the internal database of
              tool, conservation districts offer an                        COA application projects. For each
                                                                           application, this database should
              opportunity to preserve the character                        include:
              of a neighborhood that may not merit                         •   Location;
              historic designation. Property owner
              support and design review is still required                  •   Link to designation information;
              for properties within a conservation                         •   Key topics;
              district, but the review often focuses                       •   Relevant design guidelines;
              on topics such as building form and                          •   Staff recommendations;
              setbacks rather than detailed changes                        •   HPC discussion points; and
              to existing building fabric. Like a historic                 •   HPC decisions to use as a means
              district, specific boundaries must be                            to maintain consistency between
              determined for a conservation district.                          decisions of projects of a similar
              These may overlap or align with the                              nature.*
              City's zoning districts, and may be                       b.  After updating the internal COA
              supported by the standards established                       database, publish a simplified version
              in the form-based code. Conservation                         with an easy-to-navigate visual
              districts often include design guidelines                    dashboard to the Historic Preservation
              to describe and support the unique                           webpage for potential applicants to
              characteristics of the specified district,                   use as a resource.*
              but often focus on new construction,                Related
              demolition, and additions rather than                Actions   N7
              historic details of a property.                           •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                                                                           Development Services
              The City of Portland, Oregon, for                         •   Partners: City of Des Moines,
              instance, distinguishes between local                        Neighborhood Services; City of Des
              historic districts, conservation districts,                  Moines, Information Technology (IT); City
              and National Register districts on their                     of Des Moines, Communications Office
              website, and offers separate design
              guidelines for historic districts and
              conservation districts.

             Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
             * Requires ongoing work.

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