Page 86 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 86

N8.  Increase collaboration with                           f.  Collaborate with all City departments
                     other City departments                                to evaluate historic, City-owned
                     and programs to ensure                                properties.
                     work supports the historic                            i.   Establish an inventory of all historic
                                                                               City-owned properties.
                     preservation program.
                                                                           ii.   Determine if current uses are most
                                                                               productive or if the property would be
                         Goal        Goal         Goal                         better used in a different way.
                           1           2            3                      iii.  Create a policy for City departments
                                                                               for vacating, relocating, and/
                     a.  Conduct regular meetings with                         or moving historic or potentially
                        department leaders on ongoing and                      historic buildings and infrastructure
                        upcoming projects that may directly                    or those of cultural significance.
                        or indirectly impact historic and                      Ensure documentation of the existing
                        cultural resources in the city. Ensure                 structure and site, and evaluation
                        the City is adequately resourced to                    of the proposed new site(s) for
                        serve these projects and advocate                      relocation are part of the strategy.
                        for needed resources, as necessary.                iv.  Where a public facility or space has
                     b.  Utilize existing mapping tools, and                   been decommissioned, work with
                                                                               other City departments, including
                        advocate for new tools, to identify                    Facilities and the Office of Economic
                        geographic patterns of residents                       Development staff to create a
                        availing various City programs.                        strategy to maintain the property as
                        Use this information to strategize                     a community-minded place, even
                        and prioritize community outreach                      if new private development is part
                        efforts in under-served areas                          of a future use. Consider utilizing an
                        including historically marginalized                    easement or Request for Proposal
                        neighborhoods.                                         to lead future development in a
                                                                               way that will preserve the space as
                     c.  Host regular opportunities for City staff             partially-public serving.
                        to learn more about the history of the
                        city.*                                          g.  Continue to collaborate with
                     d.  When hosting community events or                  Neighborhood Services to enhance
                                                                           the impact of its tools and programs
                        partnering with other organizations                on historic properties and culturally
                        to host or sponsor community events,               significant resources.
                        carefully consider the setting of
                        the event. The setting should be                   i.   In addition to the established
                                                                               demolition review procedure
                        meaningful to the event type and                       to determine potential historic
                        purpose, be inclusive and accessible,                  significance, work with the
                        and may utilize culturally important                   Neighborhood Services department
                        buildings, landscapes, or infrastructure               and the community to determine
                        to build awareness of the City's                       whether the property has significance
                        historic preservation program.*                        apart from traditional historic value.
                     e.  Ensure regular communication with                 ii.   Help identify alternate sources
                        Council about the achievements of                      of funding, such as Community
                        the historic preservation program.*                    Development Block Grants (CDBG)
                                                                               for rehabilitation and repair projects.

             Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
             * Requires ongoing work.

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