Page 81 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 81

e.  Create a diagram to illustrate the                iii.  Compiling a contact list of
                         Certificate of Appropriateness (COA)                   local photographers that may
                         process. Design it to be interactive                   be interested and capable of
                         and accessible – available in                          documenting the historic resource
                         printed and digital formats, multiple                  before demolition;
                         languages, and to include links                    iv.  Finding local companies or donation
                         that direct people to appropriate                      centers willing to receive salvage
                         locations on the City's website.                       materials; and
                      f.  Update the architectural design                   v.  Coordinating with other departments/
                         guidelines to be clear, concise,                       entities in the creation and
                                                                                maintenance of this policy.
                         and full of visual examples to make
                         interpretation and application as              j.   Explore ways to ensure owners of
                         simple as possible for the applicant,              historic buildings adequately maintain
                         staff, and the HPC.                                the building to prevent demolition by
                      g.  Evaluate the existing COA application             neglect.
                         process to make it more efficient for          k.  Update Chapter 58, Historical
                         residents and staff. This may include              Preservation, of the City's Code of
                         publishing more detail on the City's               Ordinances to:
                         historic preservation webpage and                  i.   Adjust the designation considerations
                         actively promoting a pre-application                   by expanding the criteria for
                         meeting with staff.                                    recognizing places of community
                      h.  Eliminate the Landmark Review                         importance; not limiting the age to
                                                                                consider historic local landmarks to
                         Board. Instead, nominations for local                  50 years or older; and giving equal
                         landmarks and alterations to existing                  consideration to events, festivals,
                         landmarks should be part of the HPC's                  and other "intangible" resources as
                         agendas, as needed.                                    physical resources.
                      i.   Enhance, and publish to the historic             ii.   More clearly articulate the roles
                         preservation webpage, the City's                       and processes of review bodies and
                         salvage and documentation                              individuals involved in the historic
                         policy for historic properties and                     preservation program;
                         infrastructure slated for demolition by:           iii.  Extend demolition delay to 120 days
                         i.   Creating a clear step-by-step                     to allow an opportunity for salvage;
                             process to assist a property owner                 and
                             in understanding what is expected              iv.  Clearly define demolition in the
                             for the salvage process, including                 ordinance to specify the removal of
                             what constitutes "documentation                    materials or deconstruction of part
                             and salvage to the satisfaction of the             or all of a structure, not just the full
                             director";                                         removal of a structure.
                         ii.   Identifying a staff point of contact to
                             oversee the process and ensure each   Related    N8
                             step is completed before demolition   Actions
                             begins;                                    •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                                                                            Development Services
                                                                        •   Partner: City of Des Moines, City
                                                                            Manager's Office; Habitat for Humanity;
                                                                            Habitat ReStore; 6th Avenue Corridor

              * Requires ongoing work.

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