Page 85 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 85

Related    N3          M3                               e.  Ensure the materials include regular
                 Actions                                                    updates on the progress of the
                      •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,                  implementation of this Plan.*
                         Development Services
                      •   Partners: City of Des Moines,            Related   M2           M7           L1
                         Neighborhood Services; City of Des        Actions
                         Moines, City Manager's Office; City of Des     •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                         Moines, Communications Office; City of             Development Services and City of Des
                         Des Moines, Information Technology (IT)            Moines, Communications Office
                                                                        •   Partners: City of Des Moines,
              N7.  Develop an educational                                   Neighborhood Services; City of Des
                                                                            Moines, Information Technology (IT);
                      strategy and public information                       City of Des Moines, City Manager;
                      campaign accessible to all                            Neighborhood Associations; Des Moines
                                                                            Public School District; Faith Community
                      that informs the community
                      about the historic preservation

                          Goal        Goal         Goal
                           1            2            3
                      a.  Design educational materials to be
                         accessible and available to people
                         of all ages and backgrounds by
                         providing them in multiple formats
                         (digital and print), in multiple
                         languages, and without the use of
                         jargon and "legalese".

                      b.  Utilize a variety of outreach
                         methods, including connecting with
                         existing networks and organizations
                         throughout the community, in
                         the public information campaign
                         to reach people of all ages and
                      c.  Commit Development Services staff
                         time to supporting the creation of
                         a public information campaign to
                         clearly define the role and purposes
                         of the program.
                      d.  Determine a means to assist
                         community members with historic
                         preservation questions where English is
                         not their first language and translated
                         materials have not been provided on
                         the webpage.

              Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
              * Requires ongoing work.

                                                                             Adopted Plan (September 2023)        79
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