Page 88 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 88
0-5 Years 5-10 Years 10+ Years
Mid-Term Actions describe implementation
Mid-Term steps that are best suited for years 5-10
following Plan adoption. Actions in this
Web-Based Tools category may be of high-interest or high-
priority, but require other actions to begin
Web-based tools offer numerous or be completed first; may not have as
opportunities for cities to connect with much of an immediate impact toward
their citizens, providing a chance for accomplishing the goals; or may require
community members to provide input on additional staffing, partnership building, or
specific topics, get involved in existing funding to accomplish. Ultimately, these
or proposed work, and stay informed Actions work towards making the City's
about the progress on initiatives and historic preservation program Equitable
projects. Selecting or creating the and Inclusive, Community-Centered, and
appropriate digital tools takes intentional Strategically Integrated, as established
work. Researching tools that other through the three Plan Goals.
communities have implemented is one
step to begin the work of selecting the
right tool and design. M1. Partner with community
Many communities utilize visual stakeholders to create a web-
performance indicator tools to visualize based tool for community
progress. Some example performance members to provide historical
indicators include: or cultural information about
– Woodbury, MN 2021 Performance places, events, and other
Measures Dashboard; community features that are
– Fort Collins, CO Community Performance important to their experience of
Measurement Dashboard; and and relationship with the city.
– Kent County, MI Strategic Plan
Performance. Goal Goal Goal
1 2 3
In addition to being very transparent a. Establish and build a relationship with
with reporting progress and results, community stakeholder partner(s)
digital tools offer an opportunity for that have already begun the work of
residents to provide input. Participatory collecting oral histories, conducting
Asset Mapping is a strategy and process interviews, collecting information and
of developing a tool for community storing the information.
members to provide information. This b. Determine and advertise multiple
can be done in a variety of ways, ways for community members to
including through a city's GIS platform. provide input including by adding a
"pin" to a digital map, commenting,
Discover Denver employed an and submitting a non-geolocated
interactive mapping tool to solicit written comment.
stories, memories, and photographs
from community members of buildings
important to them.
Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
* Requires ongoing work.
82 DES MOINES Citywide Historic Preservation Plan