Page 91 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 91

M3.  Explore the use of new and                     Seller's Disclosure
                      expanded tools to protect
                      resources of community                      During the process to purchase a
                      interest.                                   property, the Seller's Disclosure provides
                                                                  a detailed history of the property to
                                                                  assist the potential buyer in determining
                          Goal        Goal         Goal           whether to go forward with the
                           1            2            3
                                                                  purchase. This form can also minimize
                      a.  Investigate the use of conservation     the seller's legal risk after selling the
                         districts in areas not designated as     property.
                         historic, but that are significant to Des
                         Moines' history.                         In order to increase the understanding
                      b.  Consider the use of easements and/      of the history of a property during its
                         or the purchase of property by the       sale, some communities have included
                         City or other appropriate entities to    language that requires the Seller's
                         preserve important landscapes and        Disclosure to include detail about the
                         sites in the community.                  a property's designation as historic
                      c.  Examine the potential of designating    landmark or as part of a historic district.
                         existing National Register districts
                         as local historic districts to provide   Aurora, Illinois is one such community,
                         demolition protection and design         and has a Designated Historic
                         review. (Note that if completed,         Property Disclosure Form and requires
                         additional staff would be needed to      signatures from all parties of sale to
                         handle this work load.)                  acknowledge understanding of historic
                      d.  Enhance interactions with the real      designation. Bold language also states
                         estate community to develop tools        the requirement of approval from
                         that increase awareness of historic      the Preservation Commission prior to
                         properties pre-purchase to ensure        beginning exterior work on the property.
                         property owners are poised to be
                         responsible stewards of the building.    A similar Seller's Disclosure process
                         i.   Develop informational materials for   could be explored for local property
                             realtors to include when showing     transactions or at a state level which
                             homes in a designated historic district
                             or designated as a local landmark.   would require updates to Chapter 558A,
                         ii.   Explore the possibility of adopting   Real Estate Disclosures, of the Iowa
                             a new law that requires seller's     Code.
                             disclosure forms for property sales to
                             include a Designated Historic District

                 Actions   N6          M4
                      •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                         Development Services
                      •   Partners: City of Des Moines, Legal;
                         Real Estate Community; Iowa State
                         Lawmakers; Other Iowa municipalities; 6th
                         Avenue Corridor

              Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated

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