Page 92 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 92

Utilizing Specific Funding Sources               M4.  Identify and expand the
                                                                        funding opportunities for
               Identifying and leveraging grants                        historic preservation programs
               for historic preservation work means                     and designations, as well as
               searching for a variety of funding                       intangible resources.
               sources. In recent years, however, some
               organizations have created specific                          Goal        Goal         Goal
               grants to fund work that recognizes                           1            2            3
               stories of communities that have
               historically been underfunded. The two                   a.  Explore the creation of a new funding
                                                                           source, or expansion of the criteria
               grants below are examples of these                          of an existing funding source, to
               types of funds.                                             specifically fund the preservation of
                                                                           intangible, culturally-significant places
               Created in 2014, the National Park                          as identified by the community.
               Service's Underrepresented Communities
               Grant Program, administered by the                       b.  Use survey findings to bring in
               Historic Preservation Fund, provides                        city, state, and federal funds and
                                                                           programs to save and rehabilitate
               funds to diversify nominations submitted                    historic resources in traditionally
               to the National Register of Historic                        marginalized communities.
               Places. Funding supports research,                       c.  Investigate other potential funding
               surveys, inventories, and nominations                       opportunities to connect community
               of sites associated with communities                        members with, and the possibility of
               underrepresented in the National                            stacking funds, such as:
               Register. Funding amounts vary per year,                    i.   Iowa Economic Development
               but over $6.25 million has been awarded                         Authority;
               since the creation of the program.                          ii.   The State Historic Preservation and
                                                                               Cultural and Entertainment (HPCED)
               Another grant program, the African                              Tax Credit Program;
               American Cultural Heritage Action Fund,                     iii.  Low Income Housing Tax Credits;
               was established by the National Trust for                   iv.  Neighborhood Finance Corporation;
               Historic Preservation in 2017. This program
               seeks to preserve sites of African                          v.  Iowa Finance Authority;
               American activism, achievement, and                         vi.  Home Investment Partnership
               resilience. Thus far, the program has                           Program (HOME);
               raised $91 million and supported 242                        vii.  National Park Service; and
               projects across the country.                                viii.  National Trust for Historic Preservation
                                                                               grant programs.

                                                                   Actions   N6          M3
                                                                        •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                                                                           Development Services
                                                                        •   Partners: City of Des Moines,
                                                                           Neighborhood Services

             Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
             * Requires ongoing work.

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