Page 95 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 95

M6.  Enhance connections with                      M7.  Develop and utilize a robust
                      community partners and                            social media campaign to
                      organizations to support the                      highlight the work of the historic
                      historic preservation program.                    preservation program.

                          Goal        Goal         Goal                      Goal        Goal         Goal
                           1            2            3                        1           2             3
                      a.  Continue developing an informal               a.  Use this tool to showcase unique
                         contractors list that includes names               stories from the community, historic
                         of local contractors who have                      facts and photos, interviews, funding
                         completed work on properties                       opportunities and cycles, special
                         in historic districts and/or historic              events, and opportunities to get
                         landmarks that can be offered to                   involved.*
                         community members upon request.                b.  Consider special opportunities to
                         Include a disclaimer that the City is              highlight the historic preservation
                         only compiling contact information                 program through social media
                         and is not endorsing a contractor.*                platforms, including Preservation
                      b.  Connect with the Des Moines                       Month each May.*
                         Heritage Trust to determine
                         opportunities for partnership. This       Related    N7          L1           L2
                         should include a conversation             Actions
                         regarding the possibility of expanding         •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                         their endangered buildings                         Communications Office
                         program to include a new lens for              •   Partners: City of Des Moines, Development
                         neighborhoods and histories that                   Services
                         have not been highlighted in the
                      c.  Establish a Small Developers Network
                         to identify developers that will work at
                         the small scale, typically on infill and
                         rehabilitation projects, and prioritize
                         the importance of historic context.

                Related    L1          L2
                      •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,
                         Development Services
                      •   Partners: City of Des Moines,
                         Neighborhood Services; Des Moines
                         Heritage Trust; Contractors; Development
                         community; Real estate and broker
                         community; Educational trades programs

                                                                Figure 6. The City of Des Moines highlights and important
                                                                piece of local history through a Facebook post in February 2022.
                                                                (Source: City of Des Moines - Government Facebook page)

              Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
              * Requires ongoing work.

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